
Showing posts from August, 2019


I'm writing this while sitting on a six hour train ride from Prague to Munich. We just finished spending five amazing days in Prague, and I think it's safe to say that it has officially become one of our favorite European cities. I don't think either of us knew what to expect when we decided to visit Prague, but to say it is beautiful might be the understatement of the year. We learned so much about this amazing city and country. It has a fascinating history- one that neither of us had any idea about. We heard from a tour guide that if you lived in Prague throughout the 20th Century, then you changed nationalities eight times without ever changing your address. Craziness, right?  Similar to other European countries, it has a terrible history of being under the Nazi Regime during World War II, but after WWII, it didn't recover in ways that most of the others did. It (Czechoslovakia at the time) became a communist country under the Soviet Union. The country of th...


Time is a funny thing. On one hand it feels like we just left the U.S., and on the other, it feels like we've been gone for months. The reality is that we are officially finishing our third week on this "wonderful road". This week we spent enjoying the sights and sounds of Amsterdam in the Netherlands/Holland. It was a place that we had been looking forward to since we started planning this trip. Though neither Perry nor I had ever visited the Netherlands before, we had heard from countless friends and family about how beautiful it is. And they were right. Much of our five days here were spent wondering the streets and enjoying the views of the canals, boats, buildings, flowers and homes. The city itself is made up of 165 canals with 1281 bridges, giving reason to it being called the "Venice of the North".


If our time in Paris consisted of art and history, our time in Brussels was made up of chocolate and waffles. It was a food-filled several days to say the least. Aside from all the delicious-ness, Brussels too was a city full of history and beauty. The AirBnB that we stayed at was right in the heart of the Old Town, and it couldn't have been a better, more beautiful location...


Paris...what images spring to mind for you at the thought of Paris? Is it the picturesque buildings? Walking along the Seine River? Small cafes with locals drinking coffee and wine? If that's what you pictured then you would be right. Paris is a city full of beautiful buildings, beautiful sights and beautiful people. Perry and I spent ten nights in this amazing city, and to say that we fell in love with it is an understatement. The things that we saw varied in so many ways. We visited three different museums: the Louvre (where we spent 9 hours wandering through 35,000 items!), the Musee de l'Orangerie (which contains Monet's "Water Lilies") and the Musee d'Orsay (with numerous works of Monet and Van Gogh).